
Peer-reviewd article - 2016
(English) Multitemporal and multiresolution leaf area index retrieval for operational local rice crop monitoring
Authors: Campos-Taberner, M., García-Haro, J., Camps-Valls, G., Grau-Muedra, G., Nutini, F., Crema, A., Boschetti, M.
Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 187, pp. 102-118
Peer Reviewed Article - 2016
MODIStsp: an R package for automatic preprocessing of MODIS Land Products time series
Authors: Busetto L.; Ranghetti L.
The article has been submitted for publication to Remote Sensing Letters and is now under review.
Peer-reviewd article - 2016
Multitemporal Monitoring of Plant Area Index in the Valencia Rice District with Pocket LAI
Authors: Campos-Taberner M., Javier García-Haro F., Confalonieri R., Martínez B., Moreno A., Sánchez-Ruiz S., Amparo Gilabert M., Camacho F., Boschetti M., Busetto L.
Published on the Journal Remote Sensing, Volume 8, issue: 3, doi:10.3390/rs8030202
Peer Reviewed publication - 2016
(English) EDI – A Template-Driven Metadata Editor for Research Data
Authors: F. Pavesi, A. Basoni, C. Fugazza, S. Menegon, A. Oggioni, M. Pepe, P. Tagliolato and P, Carrara.
Journal of Open Research Software, 4: e40, DOI: 10.5334/jors.106