WP11 – Difusión y promoción

Deliverable 11.5 – Project Website
Authors: L’Astorina A. (CNR-IREA), Tomasoni I. (CNR-IREA)
Task 11.1: Dissemination of ERMES results. The ERMES website is one of the most important project’s dissemination tools; it aims at facilitating the spread of the project’s issues, developments and results to different public and private stakeholders, users groups and researchers. This document provides a summary of the graphic design of the FP7 ERMES project website, its structure and relative sections.
Deliverable 11.6 – Project Brochure and Leaflet v0
Authors: L’Astorina A. (CNR-IREA), Tomasoni I. (CNR-IREA)
Task 11.1 Dissemination of ERMES results. This document contains the description of the ERMES project brochure. The graphic background of the project is related to the agricultural sector and the Earth Observation sector.
Deliverable 11.1 – Dissemination Plan
Authors: L’Astorina A. (CNR-IREA), Tomasoni I. (CNR-IREA)
Task 11.1 Dissemination of Ermes results. This document is setting out the plan for using and disseminating the knowledge in the context of the ERMES project, through various means including the project’s website, the distribution of dissemination material, the publications in journals and the participation in conferences and other relevant events.
Deliverable 11.4 – Project Image and Logo
Authors: L’Astorina A. (CNR-IREA), Tomasoni I. (CNR-IREA)
Task 11.1 Dissemination of ERMES results. This document contains the description of the ERMES project image and logo. The work had the objective of creating a meaningful graphic identity in order to allow the higher impact promotion of the project’s message and to create a lasting impression, thus contributing towards an effective communication of the project’s main concepts.
Deliverable 11.14 – Gender Action Plan v.0
Authors: Pepe M.(CNR - IREA), Katsantonis D. (DEMETER)
Task 11.4: Gender issues actions. This document is aimed at define promoting and monitoring activities, within the framework and the duration of the ERMES project, as related to equality between women and men.