WP6 – Geo-información del modelo de cultivo y asimilación del producto de observación de la tierra (EO)

Authors: Roberto Confalonieri, Ermes Movedi (UMIL)
This document aims at presenting the release of the version 1 of the ERMES-WARM regional modelling solution. The software, composed of two Microsoft C# libraries, is briefly described. A link to a repository is provided, where consortium members can download the source code and the related documentation.
(English) Deliverable 6.2 – Customized model for regional rice monitoring v1
Authors: Roberto Confalonieri, Ermes Movedi (UMIL)
This document aims at presenting the release of the version 1 of the ERMES-WARM regional modelling solution. The software, composed of two Microsoft C# libraries, is briefly described. A link to a repository is provided, where consortium members can download the source code and the related documentation.
(English) Deliverable 6.8 – Report on Customized model for high resolution monitoring system at local scale v1
Authors: Roberto Confalonieri, Ermes Movedi (UMIL)
This report presents the version 1 of the ERMES-WARM local modelling solution. This solution simulates most of the relevant processes related to the qualitative and quantitative performances of rice cropping systems. Like the previous version, the current (final) version of the solution is realized according to the state of the art of the software technology applied to agricultural system models and is integrated in the Regional Rice ERMES Service to provide users with an agro-monitoring system for yield estimates and hazard alarming. Compared to the previous version (v0) of the local modelling solution, some changes were applied (analogously to those applied to the regional modelling solution), and their discussion and explanation are the focus of this report. The general architecture of the solution and other features (unchanged compared to the previous version) are described in ERMES deliverable D6.7.
(English) Deliverable 6.4 – Report on Customised model for regional rice monitoring v1
Authors: Roberto Confalonieri, Ermes Movedi (UMIL)
This report presents the version 1 of the ERMES-WARM regional modelling solution. This solution simulates most of the relevant processes related to the qualitative and quantitative performances of rice cropping systems. Like the previous version, the current (final) version of the solution is realized according to the state of the art of the software technology applied to agricultural system models and is integrated in the Regional Rice ERMES Service to provide users with an agro-monitoring system for yield estimates and hazard alarming. Compared to the previous version (v0) of the regional modelling solution, some changes were applied, and their discussion and explanation are the focus of this report. The general architecture of the solution and other features (unchanged compared to the previous version) are described in ERMES D6.3.
(English) Deliverable 6.10 – Tool to assimilate EO information in WARM v1
This deliverable refers to the version 1 (v1) of the tool to assimilate exogenous EO information within the ERMES-WARM regional and local modelling solution.
(English) Deliverable 6.12 – Report on Tool to assimilate EO information in WARM v1
Authors: Ermes Movedi, Carlo Gilardelli, Roberto Confalonieri (UMIL)
This report presents the version 1 of the UNIMI.Forcing component, which is the tool dedicated to assimilate exogenous data – i.e., remote sensing data and field observations – into the WARM model, used to simulate rice cropping systems within the regional and local ERMES modelling solutions.
DELIVERABLE 6.1- Customised model for regional rice monitoring v0
Authors: Bregaglio S. (UMIL), Stella T. (UMIL) , Confalonieri R. (UMIL)
Task 6.1: Model customisation for regional applications. Two items are released in this docuemnt: the Regional_modelling_solution and the Modelling_solution_Runner. The first is a dynamic link library file, whereas the Modelling_solution_Runner is an application file.
DELIVERABLE 6.3 – Report on Customised model for regional rice monitoring v0
Authors: Bregaglio S. (UMIL), Stella T. (UMIL) , Confalonieri R. (UMIL), Ranghetti L. (IREA)
Task 6.1: Model customisation for regional applications. This report presents the version 0 of the ERMES-WARM regional modelling solution (RMS v.0) developed by UMIL. The RMS v.0 simulates most of the relevant processes related to the qualitative and quantitative performances of rice cropping systems. This allows to achieve a high adherence to the underlying system and to decrease the level of uncertainty of model predictions.
DELIVERABLE 6.5 – Customised model for high resolution monitoring system at local scale v0
Authors: Stella T. (UMIL) , Bregaglio S. (UMIL) , Confalonieri R. (UMIL)
Task 6.2: Model customisation for local application. This deliverable documents the version 0 of the ERMES-WARM local modelling solution (LMS v.0). This solution will be integrated within the Local Rice ERMES Service, providing farmers with detailed information related to the state of their own fields and insurance companies with information on yield variability at farm scale.
DELIVERABLE 6.7 – Report on Customised model for high resolution monitoring system at local scale v0
Authors: Bregaglio S. (UMIL), Stella T. (UMIL) , Confalonieri R. (UMIL), Ranghetti L. (IREA)
Task 6.2: Model customisation for local application. This report aims at presenting the version 0 of the ERMES-WARM local modelling solution, which is already linked to the ERMES Local WARM database1 containing meteo, LAI, and crop management (e.g., sowing dates, varieties) data derived from other ERMES products, and is capable integrate exogenous data to force the state variables simulated by the crop models.