Area Stampa

Press Review - 27/04/2015
EU-funded ERMES project develops App to monitor rice crop growth
The website released an article dedicated to the ERMES smart App and to specific rice maps that will be produced by the Project. You can read here the article.
Newsletter - 21/04/2015
ERMES Newsletter 1/2015
The first ERMES newsletter was released on April 2015. It reports news, meetings and achievements related to the 1st year of project's activities.
Press Review - 14/04/2015
Primo meeting sul progetto ERMES
Alleghiamo l'articolo che la rivista Il Risicoltore, magazine ufficiale di Ente Risi, ha dedicato al primo meeting annuale del progetto ERMES ( Valencia, 26-27 marzo 2015) e ai progressi ed obiettivi della ricerca.
Press Review - 07/04/2015
La Universitat de València desarrolla un modelo de observación de la Tierra basado en datos vía satélite de los arrozales (Spanish)
On the Spanish webpages Noticiasdelaciencia has been released an article dedicated to the ERMES project, its research purposes, advancements and research Consortium. Read here the whole article (Spanish version).
Press Review - 07/04/2015
Desarrollan un modelo de observación de la Tierra basado en los datos de los arrozales (Spanish)
The Spanish website published this article on the ERMES project developments, purposes and Consortium. Read here the article.
Press Review - 31/03/2015
ERMES: un progetto per migliorare la risicoltura con il rilevamento spaziale
Trovate qui l'articolo che ResearchItaly ha pubblicato sul proprio sito, per presentare il progetto ERMES.
Press Review - 26/03/2015
Universitat de Valencia develops an observation model of the Earth based on data via satellite of the rice fields
The Universitat de Valencia website reports here the article related to the first year meeting of the ERMES projects and also describes the research tools, the methodology adopted and the main purposes.
Press Review - 26/03/2015
Desarrollan modelo de observación de la Tierra basado en datos de arrozales (Spanish)
The Spanish web agency published an article dedicated the the PF7 ERMES projects. Read here the whole article.
Press Review - 19/03/2015
La tecnologia di rilevamento spaziale può migliorare la risicoltura
CORDIS website published an article announcing the ERMES 1st Year meeting (26/27th March 2015) and giving detail on the Project's developments, services and purposes. At this page you can find the English, Italian and Spanish version of the article.
Press Review - 01/12/2014
Satelliti e riso: online il sito di ERMES
il sito di Agronotizie ha pubblicato la news relativa al lancio ufficiale del sito di ERMES. Potete leggrela qui .