WP8 - 30/01/2017
(English) Deliverable 8.4 – ERMES Regional products technical and scientific validation report v1
Authors: Manuel Campos-Taberner, Javier García-Haro (UVEG), Francesco Holecz (SARMAP), Lorenzo Busetto, Monica Pepe, Daniela Stroppiana (CNR-IREA), Filomena Romano, Elisabetta Riciardelli (CNR-IMAA) Valentina Pagani, Carlo Gilardelli (UMIL)
This deliverable document reports on the technical and scientific validation of the ERMES Regional Products and Information Services.The aim of this document is to detail the validation conducted during the 2016 rice season in the following regional products:
  • ERMES Product Regional 1: Rice crop maps
  • ERMES Product Regional 2: Phenological maps
  • ERMES Product Regional 3: Multitemporal Leaf Area Index maps
  • ERMES Product Regional 4: Regional meteorological maps
  • ERMES Information Services
WP6 - 20/01/2017
(English) Deliverable 6.4 – Report on Customised model for regional rice monitoring v1
Authors: Roberto Confalonieri, Ermes Movedi (UMIL)
This report presents the version 1 of the ERMES-WARM regional modelling solution. This solution simulates most of the relevant processes related to the qualitative and quantitative performances of rice cropping systems. Like the previous version, the current (final) version of the solution is realized according to the state of the art of the software technology applied to agricultural system models and is integrated in the Regional Rice ERMES Service to provide users with an agro-monitoring system for yield estimates and hazard alarming. Compared to the previous version (v0) of the regional modelling solution, some changes were applied, and their discussion and explanation are the focus of this report. The general architecture of the solution and other features (unchanged compared to the previous version) are described in ERMES D6.3.
WP9 - 19/01/2017
(English) Deliverable 9.6 – LRS products package for the three case studies: second year
Authors: Dimitris Stavrakoudis (AUTH)
This deliverable summarizes the main ERMES products generated during the second year of demonstration (2016) for what concerns the Local Rice Service, in the form of simple tables briefly describing the produced datasets, for each ERMES country.
WP5 - 18/01/2017
(English) Deliverable 5.3 : ERMES data and products catalogue v2
Authors: Hara Minakou, Ioannis Gitas, Dimitris Stavrakoudis (AUTH), Monica Pepe, Lorenzo Busetto (CNR-IREA)
This deliverable summarizes the main ERMES data archive and catalogue datasets created during the second year of demonstration, in the form of simple listings (tables), briefly also describing some amendments that were deemed necessary. At the end of the 2016 season, the ERMES catalogue publishes a total of 320 data resources.
WP9 - 01/01/2017
(English) Deliverable 9.2 – RRS products package for the three case studies: second year
Authors: Valentina Pagani, Lorenzo Busetto
This deliverable aims at summarizing the core ERMES products generated during the second year of demonstration (2016) for what concerns the Regional Rice Service. Simple tables briefly describing the produced datasets, for each ERMES test site, are reported for each ERMES country.
WP8 - 23/12/2016
(English) Deliverable 8.6 – ERMES service technical and scientific validation report v1
Authors: Sven Casteleyn, Carlos Granell, Ignacio Miralles, Alberto González Pérez (UJI), Monica Pepe (CNR-IREA)
In this deliverable, we summarize relevant verification and validation methods of ERMES services as described in D8.5, outline the verification and validation plan both for software units (geospatial web services, database web services, server-side scripts and catalogue services) and for ERMES tools (AgriNoteBook, local and regional geoportal) as described in D8.5 [9], and repeat the verification and validation methods already performed up to the end of 2015. Subsequently, we complement these with the additional verification and validation methods performed in 2016, and give a complete overview of the verification and validation methods performed throughout the software lifecycle, indicating their desirability (optional - O, recommended - R) and status (not performed - N, partially completed - P, completed - C).
WP5 - 23/12/2016
(English) Deliverable 5.7 – Report on Processing chain for “Crop detection and spatial variability” v1
Authors: F. Holecz, M. Barbieri, L. Gatti, F. Collivignarelli (sarmap), S. Pignatti, A. Palombo, S. Pascucci (CNR-IMAA), M. Pepe (CNR-IREA), D. Stavrakoudis (AUTH)
This document is an update of previous document [D5.6] and describes the algorithm refinements and the new supported data for the generation of:
  • Rice Crop Extent (EP_R1);
  • Soil / Biomass constant pattern maps (EP_L2);
  • Seasonal pattern maps (EP_L3).
WP7 - 23/12/2016
(English) Deliverable 7.3 – Regional Service Geoportal v1
Authors: Nacho Miralles, Alberto González Pérez, Luis Rodríguez Pupo, Carlos Granell, Sven Casteleyn (UJI)
This deliverable provides a short note on the source code for the Regional and Local Geoportal applications and other related components like python scripts and geospatial services. It indicates how to access and download the source code of the final application and tools and gives general guidelines of the implementation process.
WP11 - 22/12/2016
(English) Deliverable 11.7 – Project brochure(s) and leaflet(s) v1
Authors: Lorenzo Busetto, Mirco Boschetti, Alberto Crema (CNR-IREA), Dimitris Katsantonis (DEMETER), Goncal Grau, Manuel Campos-Taberner (UVEG), Dimitris Stavrakoudis (AUth), Sven Casteleyn, Carlos Granell, Ignacio Miralles (UJI)
This document contains the description of the ERMES project brochures and leaflets created during the projects’ lifespan to help disseminating ERMES main results and achievements. The brochures were developed by CNR-IREA, DEMETER and UJI, and adapted to the three case study areas by the different ERMES partners. They were uploaded to the ERMES website, from which they can be downloaded.
WP7 - 22/12/2016
(English) Deliverable 7.5 – Report on Regional Service Geoportal v1
Authors: Carlos Granell, Nacho Miralles, Luis Rodriguez Pupo, Alberto González Pérez, Sven Casteleyn (UJI)
The outcomes of WP7 (“Geo-services for information management: Integration and Communication”) is a set of web and mobile applications and tools for supporting agriculture monitoring and sustainability practices to meet stakeholders and system requirements previously defined in WP3 (“Users requirement and evaluation of the services”) and WP4 (“Service design”). The aim of the present deliverable, D7.5, is to present the main achievements and results (from June 2015 to December 2016) of Task 7.2, i.e. the development of the Regional Geoportal as a dissemination and visualization tool for the Regional Rice Service. The Local Geoportal is also included in this deliverable due to the large number of shared (technical) components with the Regional Geoportal, even though, in operational terms, it forms part of the Local Rice Service. This document thus described the latest versions of the Regional and Local Geoportal. Both geoportal applications have been extensively tested, and were deployed and used in the three ERMES study areas (Spain, Italy, Greece) in 2016. In terms of the Technology Readiness Levels (TLR) defined in the H2020 framework [H2020-TRL, 2016], they reached level 7/8.