WP10 - 06/02/2017
(English) Deliverable 10.3 – ERMES service solutions and cost
Authors: Francesco Holecz
This document is dedicated to the identification of market opportunities, costs, and benefits of the most promising ERMES service lines.
WP9 - 06/02/2017
(English) Deliverable 9.8 – Report of Local service demonstration for the three case studies: second year v1
Authors: Lorenzo Busetto, Alberto Crema, Mirco Boschetti, Francesco Nutini, Luigi Ranghetti, Dimitris Stavrakoudis, Ioannis Gitas, Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos, Hara Minakou, Simone Pascucci, Stefano Pignatti, Angelo Palombo, Sven Casteleyn, Carlos Granell, Nacho Miralles, Manuel Campos-Taberner, Javier Garcis-Haro, Gonçal Grau, Massimo Barbieri, Tommaso Guarneri, Valentina Pagani, Roberto Confalonieri
Activities within Task 9.2 are focused on the services demonstration at local scale. This document details the activities conducted within this task during the second year of demonstration (rice season of 2016) with respect to the Local Rice Service and the dissemination of the results to the main local end-users. Within this framework, the activities conducted concerning the following products are described:
WP11 - 05/02/2017
(English) Deliverable 11.9 – Project scientific publications
Authors: Lorenzo Busetto (CNR – IREA)
This deliverable provides a list of ERMES scientific publications (published or under review), divided according to the type of publication:
  • Articles on peer-reviewed scientific journals (National or International) - Table 1
  • Proceedings for scientific conferences (National or International) - Table 2
  • Abstracts for scientific conferences (National or International) - Table 3
A list of scientific publications currently in advanced phase of writing is also reported in Table 4. For each publication, details about its publication status are provided, as well web links to the publication (when available).
WP11 - 02/02/2017
(English) Deliverable 11.10 – ERMES Italian open days report
Authors: Tommaso Guarneri, Francesco Nutini, Dimitrios Katsantonis, Lorenzo BUsetto
The final ERMES Local Service open day was held on 14th of December 2016 at the premises of the commodity exchange of Mortara (PV, Italy) and had the main objective of discussing and demonstrating products and services developed during the ERMES project.The second Italian Open day was dedicated to the regional end-users, and it was held in Milano in IREA-CNR premises in 12/01/2017 and attended by representatives of the different ERMES end-users as well as from other Institutions interested in the ERMES results. This deliverable provides a brief report of the two open days, focusing on their agenda and on the interactions occurred with end users. The presentations used during the meetings are also reported in Annex, as well as the questionnaires compiled during the Local open day.  
WP9 - 02/02/2017
(English) Deliverable 9.9 – RRS products package for Extra European demonstration case
Authors: Lorenzo Busetto, Luca Gatti
This deliverable summarizes the main ERMES products generated during the second year of demonstration (2016) for what concerns the Extra-European case study areas, in the form of simple tables briefly describing the produced datasets, for both the Senegal River Valley and the Gambia.
WP9 - 02/02/2017
(English) Deliverable 9.4 – Report of Regional service demonstration for the three case studies: second year v1
Authors: Francesco Holecz, Luca Gatti, Massimo Barbieri (SARMAP) Manuel Campos-Taberner, Javier Garcia-Haro, Gonçal Grau Muedra (UVEG) Lorenzo Busetto, Mirco Boschetti, Luigi Ranghetti (CNR-IREA), Filomena Romano, Elisabetta Ricciardelli, Mariassunta Viggiano (IMAA), Valentina Pagani, Roberto Confalonieri, Tommaso Guarneri (UMIL), Carlos Granell, Sven Casteleyn (UJI)
During spring, summer and autumn 2016, ERMES partners in charge for the generation of the different ERMES regional products worked on the production of the different foreseen products. Additional effort was dedicated in particular by CNR-IREA and UMIL to guarantee integration and well-functioning of the data-flow to/from the WARM modelling solutions and the ERMES datasets used as its inputs, and by UJI to allow automatic addition of new ERMES product datasets in the ERMES regional geoportal. This deliverable summarizes the main achievements of the second year of demonstration in the three European regional study areas by briefly describing i) the final products/services generated during the second year of demonstration exploiting the processing chains improved on the basis of analysis of 2015 results, and ii) the way in which they were used in the general context of the project, and disseminated to end-users, on a per-product base.
WP11 - 31/01/2017
(English) Deliverable 11.12 – Spanish Endusers open days report
Authors: Javier García-Haro, Manuel Campos-Taberner, Gonçal Grau, Sven Casteleyn, Carlos Granell, Dimitrios Katsantonis
This document contains a report of the final Spanish open day conducted by the representatives of ERMES partners UVEG and UJI with current and potential Spanish end-users: cultivators, rice technicians, agro-businesses and authorities. The meeting was held in the CRDO (Consejo Regulador Denominación de Origen Arroz de Valencia) on 15th of December 2016. It was planned in order to demonstrate to present and future Spanish end-users and stakeholders the capabilities of the already operative ERMES tools, and how to work with them.
WP6 - 30/01/2017
Authors: Roberto Confalonieri, Ermes Movedi (UMIL)
This document aims at presenting the release of the version 1 of the ERMES-WARM regional modelling solution. The software, composed of two Microsoft C# libraries, is briefly described. A link to a repository is provided, where consortium members can download the source code and the related documentation.
WP6 - 30/01/2017
(English) Deliverable 6.2 – Customized model for regional rice monitoring v1
Authors: Roberto Confalonieri, Ermes Movedi (UMIL)
This document aims at presenting the release of the version 1 of the ERMES-WARM regional modelling solution. The software, composed of two Microsoft C# libraries, is briefly described. A link to a repository is provided, where consortium members can download the source code and the related documentation.
WP6 - 30/01/2017
(English) Deliverable 6.8 – Report on Customized model for high resolution monitoring system at local scale v1
Authors: Roberto Confalonieri, Ermes Movedi (UMIL)
This report presents the version 1 of the ERMES-WARM local modelling solution. This solution simulates most of the relevant processes related to the qualitative and quantitative performances of rice cropping systems. Like the previous version, the current (final) version of the solution is realized according to the state of the art of the software technology applied to agricultural system models and is integrated in the Regional Rice ERMES Service to provide users with an agro-monitoring system for yield estimates and hazard alarming. Compared to the previous version (v0) of the local modelling solution, some changes were applied (analogously to those applied to the regional modelling solution), and their discussion and explanation are the focus of this report. The general architecture of the solution and other features (unchanged compared to the previous version) are described in ERMES deliverable D6.7.