WP4 – Services design

Led by AUTH, WP4 will design the ERMES services and their components on the basis of the collected user requirements (WP3) and taking into account of:

  1. The current and future availability of EO data/products and in-situ data;
  2. The requirements of the WARM crop model in terms of required input data, considering also the foreseen EO data assimilation activities;
  3. The technologies currently available for collecting information from the end-users and providing them the ERMES products and information

This WP will be the basis to define the requirements for the techniques and tools to be developed in WP5 and WP6 and WP7. A modelling language like UML (Unified Modeling Language) will be used to allow the description and representation of data, conceptual models, workflows, and use cases in an open and integrated framework.

The WP is organized in the following tasks:

Task Task responsible Task leader
Task 4.1 Data/products requirements and validation strategy AUTH Dimitrios Karamanolis
Task 4.2 Model and data assimilation requirements UMIL Roberto Confalonieri
Task 4.3 Services requirements CNR-IREA Gloria Bordogna
Task 4.4 Services design UJI Sven Casteleyn