WP5 – Geo-product from space-borne and in-situ data processing and integration

Led by UVEG, WP5 aims at

  1. Developing and implementing accessible data archives for ERMES EO and in situ datasets and products
  2.  Developing the processing chains for the creation of the expected ERMES EO and Information products

The activities of the WP will be conducted in two phases in two phases:

  • Phase 1 (M4-M15): use of historical EO data/product to set up appropriate processing chains for the generation of  sample products useful for crop modelling solutions and SDI development.
  • Phase 2 (M15-M33): Improvement of the developed processing chains on the basis of service application feedbacks, service validation and user suggestions.

The WP is organized in the following tasks:

Task Task responsible Task leader
Task 5.1 ERMES data archives AUTH Ioannis Gitas
Task 5.2 Crop detection and spatial variability SARMAP Francesco Holecz
Task 5.3 Crop bio-physical parameters and phenology UVEG Javier Garcia-Haro
Task 5.4 Meteorological variables CNR-IMAA Filomena Romano