WP8 – Scientific and technical validation of product and services

Led by CNR, this WP will perform the validation of ERMES Local and Regional Services. Validation activities conducted in the demonstration phase have 3 objectives

  1. The further evaluation of GMES/Copernicus products from existing services (i.e. GIO Global land) and new activities (i.e. FP7 ImagineS) on different data sets
  2. The calibration and validation of customised ERMES EO and modelling processing chains
  3. The assessment of the accuracy and reliability of the added value information provided by ERMES services.

These activities will be performed in parallel in the 3 case studies, testing both the regional and local services and exploiting different data sources: field data, official crop production statistics and other relevant reference data related to crop status produced by regional authorities (e.g. observation of disease outcomes, ecc.).

The WP is organized in the following tasks:

Task Task responsible Task leader
Task 8.1 Validation of the ERMES Local Products and Services AUTH Dimitris Stavrakoudis
Task 8.2 Technological and scientific validation of Regional service inputs and outputs UVEG Beatriz Martínez Díaz
Task 8.3 Validation of web e smart products UJI Sergi Trilles